Friday, December 2, 2011

Living Without Batteries

!±8± Living Without Batteries

The humble battery seems to have been part and parcel of our lives forever. It is in numerous devices and gadgets around the home, from life saving smoke alarms to the TV remote, it may well seem that we couldn't live without them unless we wanted to do away with all our electrical items and gadgets but that may now not be the case.

You find batteries in nearly everything these days: laptops, mp3 players, TV remotes, kids toys and a whole host of other gizmos and thingamabobs. But the humble battery is not the most eco friendly method of powering our gadgets.

Firstly, rechargeable batteries rely on mains power to recharge. So all the power that is being consumed by your mp3 player, lap-top or TV remote when you change channels has originally been generated in our power stations, adding to our carbon footprint.

Secondly, none-rechargeable batteries are difficult to dispose of. They contain many harmful metals, acids and alkaloids that can seem into the environment causing damage for generations to come.

However, technology has advanced to the point now where we can almost do away with the battery completely. Many battery powered items like our laptops, music players and mobile phones can be recharged using renewable methods.

Solar battery chargers and even wind powered battery chargers are becoming increasingly common. And while many people may doubt their effectiveness, especially when there is little wind or sun, some of these chargers like the solar powered laptop chargers require very little light to produce enough power to charge the laptop.

You can even charge large heavy duty batteries like those in cars with solar powered trickle chargers.
solar trickle charger main

And for other devices you can even replace them with solar powered versions. Some solar powered TV remotes now, can even draw enough power from indoor lights meaning you will never lose power to the TV remote.

And there are a whole host of kids toys and cars that are powered by solar or other renewable methods.

Living Without Batteries

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